Disponibile (can be backordered)

Jebao - DCP-2500 Booster Pump

Product code JEB-DCP2500

Price visible only to registered users

Disponibile (can be backordered)

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The manufacturer informs:

Jebao – pompa di risalita elettronica DCT-2500. Possibilità di scegliere tra 8 diverse configurazioni di portata. 

Nel controller che si utilizza per aumentare o diminuire il flusso, c’è il tasto FEED, che blocca la pompa per 10 minuti ideale per alimentare i pesci/coralli.

Utilizzabile sia in acquari marini che in acquari/laghetti d’acqua dolce. 


Technical data:

  • Potenza: 23W
  • Portata: fino a 2500 l/h
  • Prevalenza: 2.5mt
  • Tensione: 24 V
  • Dimensioni: 12cm X 7cm X 7cm 


Often purchased together with:


To take advantage of the promotion you will need to place an order with a taxable amount of 350€ or more.
The cost of transport will be calculated as follows:

  • Band 0-4kg 5.9€
  • Band 4-20Kg 9.9€
  • Band 20-50Kg 16.90€
  • Band 50-500Kg 19.9€
  • from 500Kg onwards 29.90€

*The offer is not valid for one-off purchases (e.g. salt, water, etc.).
*Chain shops are excluded
*Cannot be combined with other promotions
*The offer is valid per single pallet

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